MO. 22-24. April: Pessach & Sedarim mit Jewish Experience
Jewish Experience are delighted to invite students and young professionals (18-35) to Pessach Experience with Itamar&Lea Schlesinger (Israel) & Ilja Polonskij
*** Montag 22.04.2024 + 23.04.2024 "Vehi Sheamda***
- Pessach-Sedarim Nights, 22nd at 8:15 pm and/or 23d April at 9:15 pm
- 1. Pessach-Day Lunch, 23d April at 13:15 pm
- 2. Pessach-Tag Lunch, 24th April at 13:15 pm
- Inspiring celebration in a warm atmosphere
- Jewish students and young professionals from all over Germany
- 1. Pessach-Day Lunch, 23d April at 13:15 pm
- 2. Pessach-Tag Lunch, 24th April at 13:15 pm
- Inspiring celebration in a warm atmosphere
- Jewish students and young professionals from all over Germany
Participation Fee
Both Sedarim on 22th and 23th April: students 40€ / young professionals 80€
One Seder on 22th or 23th April: students 20€ / young professionals 40€
One Pessach-Day-Meal: students 15 € / young professionals 30 €
One Seder on 22th or 23th April: students 20€ / young professionals 40€
One Pessach-Day-Meal: students 15 € / young professionals 30 €
Nobody will be excluded du to financial reasons! Contact us, if you have problems to afford the participation.
For guest coming from outside we can helpt to arrange a sleeping place. Let us know if interested.
Register Hier>>Anmeldung / Registration<<
Wenn? 22.04 bis 23.04
Where? Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt / Jewish Community Frankfurt
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