Fights In Judaism: Are Arguments Ever Worthwhile?


with a special guest from London: David PruwerIt is well-known that Jewish law not only forbids starting an argument, but also enjoins us from continuing a controversy. Similarly, the Maharal explains that it is not enough to be "peace-loving"; one must actively "pursue peace" [as the High Priest Aharon did] in order to prevent controversy (see Derech Chaim 1:12). Nonetheless each of us has moments when we feel like standing up for something we believe in.

But the obvious question is whether there are situations when in order to "pursue peace" one is allowed to start an argument. And if so, how this needs to be done? Which aspects need to be taken into consideration? For we all know that often arguments cost us dear, end up in hostility without true winners.

David will provide us with some historic examples of worthwhile and non-worthwhile arguments and will give us some practical advises for our daily lives.

Wir treffen uns am Dienstag (Tuesday), den 21. June 20:00 in den Räumen des Jugendzentrums der Jüdischen Gemeinde Frankfurt. Lerne neue Leute kennen und triff alte Freunde! Bringe Deine Bekannten und Geschwister mit! Für Verköstigung wird gesorgt!

The Shiur wird be English sein. Questions? Than contact us!

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